Sunday, September 5, 2010

52 Michigan Weekends (Fall)

52 Michigan Weekends: Great Getaways and Adventures for Every Season
by Bob Puhala
2000 (3rd edition)
The book suggests destinations for every weekend of the year. I've posted earlier on Winter destinations, Spring destinations, and Summer destinations near Kalamazoo. Here are some fall suggestions from the guidebook:

West Michigan Fall Weekends

1.Goose Gawking
"They arrive every autumn in spectacular fashion. Long V-shaped wedges of honking Canada geese, appearing like straggly black ribbons wafting crazily in the starkly blue fall sky. Sometimes so many Canadas fill the air that the birds literally block out the sun, a great black cloud casting a giant shadow on the farmscape below."
Todd Farm State Game Refuge
Goose Festival

2.Curious Kids' Museum
St Joseph

3. Apple picking paradise
Eau Claire
Tree-Mendus Fruit farm.

4. Sweet Home Chicago
"Located in Coldwater, the Chicago Pike Inn, a luxurious bed-and-breakfast,is a spectacular house built in 1903."

5. Turkeyville USA


6. Wine Country
Paw Paw and Kalamazoo
"Okay, so Kalamazoo is not one of America's 100 most romantic cities. Nor does it in any way re-create the Gallic flavors of Provence. But just as in France, the business is very important here. Because this is the heart of southwest Michigan's 12,000-acre wine country, and Michigan ranks fourth among the wine-producing states of America."
Wine and Harvest Festival
St Julian
Tabor Hill
Vineyard Classic Bicycle tour
Fenn Valley Vineyards
Lemon Creek Winery, Berrien Springs

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