Thursday, October 7, 2010

St Joseph River (Three Rivers)

Fall can be a great time to paddle Michigan's rivers. Last weekend, we tried the Saint Joseph River at Three Rivers, MI. The river is wide and the current barely perceptible, making it easy for beginners. Leaving town, there are a few small factories and an old railroad bridge. Then the river passes through tree-lined banks, with the occasional set of cabins punctuating the woods. After passing Constantine Rd (second bridge) the river opens up even more, weaving around large marshy islands-- a very pretty section. We saw plenty of turtles basking on logs, a few Great Blue Herons, and a group of Mute Swans.

The 5 mile trip from the Conservation Park boat ramp to Withers Road (third bridge) takes about 2 hours. If you want a longer time on the river, there's a take-out at the Constantine dam 2 hours further downstream.

We rented equipment from Liquid Therapy
221 S. Main Street
Three Rivers, MI 49093

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