Sunday, April 1, 2012

March Wildflowers

While temperatures are quite a bit cooler than they were earlier in March, Kalamazoo's 2012 wildflower season continues to be weeks earlier than last year. Dutchman's Breeches are at their peak now, along with Toothwort and Marsh Marigold.
Hepatica, that were in full bloom a couple of weeks ago, have gone to seed and the Skunk Cabbage spathes have been replaced by big leafy cabbages. The Spring Beauty blossoms were tightly furled due to yesterday's cold weather but they will be spectacular on a warm day.
The Blue-eyed Mary blooms at the Kalamazoo Nature Center were impressive. Mayapple leaves were opening into little umbrellas. Trout Lilies had buds but not blooms. A few early Trillium and Wild Phlox were in flower.

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