Monday, June 4, 2012

Badlands National Park

South Dakota's Badlands National Park features multicolored peaks emerging from the prairie. The landscape is forbidding and beautiful. Temperatures over 100° are common in the summer.

Despite its desolate appearance, the badlands are home to a surprising amount of life (beyond rattlesnakes). We saw wild turkeys, pronghorn, prairie dogs, and big horn sheep.

The park offers camping but it was so hot we decided to get an air-conditioned motel room in nearby Wall, SD. If we'd planned ahead we might have tried the park lodge.

The park is located just south of I-90 and a loop road (240) goes through the park and back to the Interstate, which makes the Badlands an easy addition to a road trip.

distance from Kalamazoo: 1000 miles
This post is part of a series of Road Trip posts.

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