Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lansing River Trail

When I walked on the Lansing River Trail last winter, I thought it would be a nice place for a bike ride.  Earlier this week, we drove about 75 miles from Kalamazoo to the state capital to try it.

We started at the big parking lot at the Bremke Fish Ladder in Lansing's Old Town neighborhood.  The trail passes through many different environments in a relatively short distance: riverside parks, downtown buildings, the museum district, some light industry, the Potter Park Zoo, and river bottom forests.  The ride to Michigan State wasn't long; it took us about a half hour at a leisurely pace.

MSU's campus is much easier to explore on a bike than by car (lots of construction and parking is inconvenient and expensive) or on foot (too sprawling with too many boring stretches).  We enjoyed visiting the MSU gardens and ate ice cream at the Dairy Store.
The River trail does have another leg that heads south to Hawk Island Park and one that heads east to Moores Park but we didn't ride those on this trip.

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