Sunday, October 28, 2012

New landscaping at Asylum Lake

Western Michigan University's Asylum Lake Preserve had some major trail work done this summer along the east end of Asylum Lake.  Invasive shrubs and trees, like buckthorn, honeysuckle, and Norway maple, were removed to make room for native species.  The trails were re-graded to make them wheelchair accessible, part of a long run plan to make the preserve ADA compliant.  Stone retaining walls will prevent erosion and runoff.

It's nice to see WMU investing in the preserve and the improvements are attractive.  The heavy equipment did tear up the trail along the south side of Asylum Lake, leaving deep muddy ruts and pools of water.  A passerby told me they plan to repair that damage, but he speculated it might have to wait until Spring.

Asylum Lake access & parking: Drake Road, Parkview Avenue, or Winchell Avenue.

Asylum Lake Trail Map 

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