Friday, February 3, 2017

Aman Park

Until today, I'd never visited Aman Park, despite seeing it recommended in several guidebooks (including Best Easy Day Hikes Grand Rapids, Natural Michigan, and Hiking Michigan.)  The park is about an hour north of Kalamazoo and offers several trails of about a mile each.

As I drove through suburban sprawl west of Grand Rapids, the location didn't seem that promising, but the fast food and shopping plazas gave way to farms and camps shortly before the the park entrance.  The park shares an entrance with Indian Trails Youth Camp.

The park isn't huge, but Sand Creek gives it real character.  The creek has carved some nice hills and the park's trails take advantage of the change in topography.  The trails I took were clearly marked and seemed well-maintained.  There wasn't really enough snow for good x-country skiing but someone had been out early and left some tracks.  I left my skis at home and enjoyed a nice winter walk.

I'm not sure the park is enough of a destination to make the drive from Kalamazoo, but it would combine nicely with a visit to other attractions in Grand Rapids.  I certainly plan to return.  It's supposed to be great for Spring Wildflowers.

The park is about 6 miles west of downtown Grand Rapids on M-45.  (Grand Valley State University is a couple of miles further west on the same road.)

Aman Park
1895 Lake Michigan Dr NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534
(address is approximate.)

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