Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Early wildflowers

Wildflower season in Kalamazoo has begun!  I visited the Kalamazoo Nature Center this afternoon and was surprised by the number of species in flower.  Most of these weren't at their peak, with just a few individual plants in bloom and many more almost ready.  Hepatica may be at its peak and Harbinger of Spring has been blooming for a few weeks and may be past its peak, but the rest of these have plenty of season remaining.

Blue-eyed Mary

Dutchman's Breeches
Spring Beauty
Harbinger of Spring
Dutchman's Breeches
Yellow Trout Lily

I did see a few other flowering species.  Marsh Marigold was just getting started.  Rue anenome and Toothwort had plenty of flowers.  Skunk cabbage were mostly done blooming but a few plants still showed their mottled maroon buds (or spathes.)

The most exciting thing I saw was an otter swimming across the Kalamazoo River, but I had the wrong lens for a decent photo.

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