Chipmunks and woodchucks aren't the only animals to emerge in Spring. Garter snakes also spend Kalamazoo's winter in hibernation. I think this one is an Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)
I teach economics at Kalamazoo College. My wife is also an economist. We were on sabbatical in Europe for the 2014-15 academic year. (Salamanca, Spain, followed by Oxford, UK.) We were in Uruguay for the 2006-7 academic year.
Jimmy John’s (Sprinkle Road)
3606 S. Sprinkle Road Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (269) 775-15900 Website Menu
Yeah…sorry. Another chain blog post. I didn’t have any overtime or any
side gigs ...
A Letter from the (national) Lakeshore
A letter from a National Forest Service employee who is neck deep in the
horrors being perpetrated against the National Park Service and the
National Fores...
Fall 2023 in Michigan
The fall colors have been very pretty here in Michigan. Some wildflowers
are still blooming. It is the end of October, I’m still picking tomatoes,
Michigan Nature Monday – Wildlife Corridors
In Michigan’s Eastern Upper Peninsula, one of MNA’s largest conservation
landscapes protects a critical migratory channel for rare songbirds and
majestic r...
I've Moved Again
I occasionally wonder if anyone follows this blog any more. I rather fell
off the radar while in Michigan - no computer/internet access except at
work, an...
Green Darner Alert for 2017
Today is February 23, and the projected temperature will be near 60F. The
month of February has been pretty mild, and the previous weekend it was
over 60F...
Breweries of Bridgeman
Last weekend we pointed our car towards Lake Michigan due to some unusually
warm and sunny weather for mid November in Michigan and drove. Eventually
we ca...
*Anna's House *in Holland opened in 2016. The original of the four
locations opened in 2002. This place is large, has a 50's diner feel, great
service and...
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