Days are shorter and nights are colder but there are still plenty of things to do around Kalamazoo in Winter.
Winter Events in West Michigan
November 29, 2010 Marshall's 46th Annual Christmas Parade 7:00 PM Marshall
December 3, 2010 Sinterklaas Eve Procession 7:00 PM Holland
December 4, 2010 Jingle Bell Parade 6:00 PM Grand Haven
Dec 4, 2010 Snowshoe Making Class 10 am to 5 pm Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center Kalamazoo
January 7-8, 2011 Downtown Holland Ice Sculpting Competition Holland
January 8-9, 2011 M.U.S.H. Dog sled races, Fort Custer State Park
January 15 Schrier Park Winter Sports Fest Portage 12 noon -3:30 Portage [Update: The printed Winter Recreation brochure confirms the date: pdf.]
Jan 22, 2011 Fly Tying 101 1 pm to 2:30 pm Wolf Lake State Fish Hatchery Visitor Center Kalamazoo
January 25-29, 2011 Muskegon Snowfest Muskegon
January 29th, 2011 Winterfest Grand Haven
February 4-6 2011 Ice Breaker South Haven
February 12, 2011 Winter Festival (pdf) Alamo Township Park Alamo
Feb. 18-21 14th annual Great Backyard Bird Count
Feb 19-20, 2011 Free fishing weekend throughout Michigan
Feb 26, 2011 Michigan Brewers Guild Winter Beer Fest Grand Rapids
February 27 Polar Bear Paddle Paw Paw River
Longer-running events
late November-December International Festival of Lights Battle Creek
Late November through mid-December weekends Holiday Kerstmarkt Holland
November-December (various dates) Christmas Bird Count throughout Michigan
See also:
Pure Michigan Connect's November-December Events and their Events in January and February
CommunityLink Winter in Kalamazoo
Event listings from Discover Kalamazoo
Calendar of West Michigan Races & Running Workshops from Gazelle Sports
Outdoor Athlete maintains a list of winter running, ski, and snowshoe events in Michigan.
Midwest Weekends has a calendar of Winter Festivals throughout the upper Midwest
Winter is also the season for cross-country skiing in Kalamazoo or skating at the Portage ice rink