Summer events near Kalamazoo
June 11-12 Michigan Free Fishing Weekend
June 16-19 Harborfest South Haven
June 29-July 4 Balloon Festival Battle Creek
July 6-10 Kindleberger Summer Festival Parchment
July 15-17 Old Tyme Tractor Show Scots
August 11-14 50th annual Blueberry Festival South Haven
Also consider:
Long weekend suggestions from Pure Michigan
50 fun things to do in Michigan this summer
West Michigan Summer Weekends
Kalamazoo Farmers Market
Michigan Fireworks Displays a comprehensive list of fireworks throughout the state
Events at Kalamazoo's Arcadia Creek Festival Place
Event listings from Discover Kalamazoo
Events from West Michigan Tourist Association
Kzoo Kids lists Beaches near Kalamazoo & Battle Creek promotes Lake Michigan beach towns.
Beach Freaks guide to Michigan's Best Beaches
Gazelle Sports' calendar of West Michigan events
League of Michigan Bicyclist's Michigan Ride Calendar
West Michigan Coastal Kayaker's Association Event Calendar
Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy volunteer workdays
State park events from Michigan's DNR
Sarrett Nature Center's Event list Benton Harbor
Michigan Festivals and Events Association Events browser