Each Fall, Sandhill Cranes gather together to prepare for their long flight south. Baker Sanctuary outside of Battle Creek attracts thousands of the big birds. They'll stay in the area for several weeks before migrating to Florida and Georgia for the winter.
Poison ivy is common in southwest Michigan and touching it causes a nasty skin rash that can take weeks to heal. The red leaves in the picture are all poison ivy. Definitely "look but don't touch."
Sumacs are consistently one of the earliest and most colorful trees of autumn. They don't form dense forests and never grow very tall, so they add bright accents to the landscape.
It's apple harvest season in Michigan and a friend invited us to a cider making party. The process was pretty simple. We dropped the apples into the grinder and cranked the handle. The ground apples fell into a mesh bag inside the wooden tub of the press. After about 15 minutes of grinding, the tub was full of apple pulp. Then the press was screwed down squeezing all the juice out of the apples. And that's it.
Over the last few days, more color is appearing in the woods. These silver maples near the Kalamazoo River were almost red while most of the trees were still green. The boardwalk is part of the Kalamazoo Nature Center's trail system.
I teach economics at Kalamazoo College. My wife is also an economist. We were on sabbatical in Europe for the 2014-15 academic year. (Salamanca, Spain, followed by Oxford, UK.) We were in Uruguay for the 2006-7 academic year.
UFOs invade Kalamazoo (Valley Museum)
Bill got some great pics of the exhibit for stop-motion effects & sci-fi
filmmaking pioneer Harryhausen exhibit at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum
Tacos El Jefe
FOOD TRUCK Kalamazoo, MI 49001 (773) 332-1488 No Known Website Menu Last
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Fall 2023 in Michigan
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I've Moved Again
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